Healthy Recipes for You using Healthy Chia Seeds & Flax Seeds

Chia seeds and Flax seeds are healthy seeds which are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium and various other essential nutrients. In line with their exceptional health benefits, chia seeds and flax seeds are used in numerous recipes including pudding, salads, smoothies and shakes. 

If you wish to incorporate these prodigal seeds in your dietary regime, you can buy natural chia seeds from I Say Organic.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

A number of benefits can be attributed to chia seeds :

1. They safeguard your brain health 

Chia seeds are rife with the goodness of a special kind of omega 3 fatty acid known as linoleic acid which works wonders for taking care of your brain health. (1)

2. They are packed with antioxidants 

Chia seeds are a good source of antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and quercetin that have anti cancer properties and numerous other benefits for your health. (2

3. They are an ideal food product for weight watchers

Chia seeds have a very high fibre content. Therefore they are an excellent addition to your dietary regime if you are planning to lose some extra kilos. Fibre consumption has been linked to aiding weight loss. (3

Recipes -  Indian Chia Seed Recipes 

From breakfast to dessert, chia seeds can be used into a variety of dishes to boost nutrition and add texture. In these chia food recipes, tiny seeds transform into chia seeds meals, snacks, and treats. Whether you're looking for breakfast options, main courses, or desserts, discover creative dishes with chia seeds. We have put together a few Chia Seeds recipes for you to choose from.

1. Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed pudding has recently gained popularity as a healthy and delicious breakfast or snack option. Not only this chia seeds recipe is simple to make, but it's also incredibly versatile, allowing you to customize it with your favourite flavors and toppings. Chia seed pudding is a nutritious chia seeds recipe bursting with health benefits.



Take a mason jar and fill it with milk. Add two to three spoons of chia seeds in the jar and stir it for a few minutes. Cover the jar and set it aside or in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. The consistency of the milk will become thick like a pudding and you can add honey to it for sweetness. Top that off with fruits of your choice and your healthy chia seed breakfast is ready. 

2. Mango Chia Pudding

Mango chia pudding is a delightful and nutritious dessert that brings a taste of the tropics to your table. When you put Chia Seeds in milk, the result is a creamy textured pudding which can be enjoyed as a meal or as a dessert. Bursting with flavour and packed with nutrients, this chia seeds recipe is very delicious.


  • Mango
  • Normal milk or coconut milk
  • Chia seeds 
  • Honey

Method :

Take a large bowl and add chia seeds to it. Put milk and mango purée in it. Whisk in some honey and mix everything properly. Refrigerate it for 15 minutes and then remove it. Take the bowl out, give it another whisk and then again set in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Your delicious mango Chia Seed Pudding is ready to be served. 

3. Lemon chia seeds water

You can prepare a number of drinks with Chia Seeds. This Chia Seeds recipe for weight loss are a favourite amongst the weight watchers and people prepare and consume them for a number of health benefits. 



Soak chia seeds in water overnight. Next day, you can mix it in lemon water and have it first thing in the morning to bolster the functioning of your digestive system. 

Chia seeds recipes for weight loss -  milk, smoothies 

People add Chia seeds in smoothies to enhance the nutrition content of their beverage. You can add chia seeds in milk , curd, or water to make appetising smoothies for yourself. 

About Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are another powerhouse ingredient which can either be consumed or as such or one can prepare any of the Flax Seed Powder recipes. These oil seeds are used for preparing various Flax Seed dishes that have impressive health benefits. Flax Seeds can also be used to make Flax Eggs, which is a great Egg replacement for Vegans for baking.

Flax seeds

Benefits of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have a number of health benefits.

1. They have anti inflammatory properties 

Flax Seeds have a number of antioxidants and essential nutrients that can play an essential role in keeping your health in check. The anti-inflammatory properties of flax seeds is of great significance to safeguarding your overall health. (4

2. They have anti cancer properties 

Flax seeds are rife with a compound called lignans which provide exceptional anti cancer properties to this stellar crop. (5

3. It is helpful in managing your cholesterol levels 

The fibre content in flax seeds is useful for managing your cholesterol levels and taking care of the sugar level in your body. (6

Check out the following Flax seeds Recipes to prepare appetising Flax Seed meals and snacks for yourself 

1. Flax Seed ladoo/Alsi Ke Laddu

These delicious Flax seeds ladoos are perfect for satiating your taste buds while providing a number of health benefits. This flax seeds recipe is a great snack with a delightful blend of health and taste in every bite.

Ingredients : 

Method :

Dry roast all the ingredients except ghee and jaggery. Ground the roasted ingredients into a powder and mix together. Add jaggery and ghee to the mixture and blend. Make little balls out of the concoction and keep them aside to set. You yummy alsi ke ladoos are ready to be served. 

2. Flaxseed smoothie

This is one of the most popular flax seed dishes. You can make this smoothie for breakfast or for an evening snack. These flax seeds recipe is a nutritious blend filled with omega-3s and fiber to kickstart your day.

Ingredients :


Chop the bananas and strawberries and put them in a blender. Add some milk to it and add a spoonful of flax seeds as well. Your flax seed recipe for breakfast smoothie is ready and you can add some ice cubes to it and have it chilled. You can add flax seeds as such or even prepare this as one of the flax seed powder recipes. 

3. Flaxseed crackers

Flax seed crackers are super healthy and they can be prepared in a jiffy. Flaxseed cookies and crackers are amongst the best flax seeds recipes for weight loss. 


Method :

In a bowl add flax seeds powder, onion powder, garlic powder and some sesame seeds. Add water to the mixture and make dough out of it. Spread the dough on a parchment paper in the shape of crackers and bake it in the oven. 

4. Flaxseed pudding

Flax seed pudding is a healthy dessert option that can be included in the menu for your next family dinner. This flax seed recipe satisfies both sweet cravings and health-conscious desires.


  • Flax seeds 
  • Milk 
  • Honey 


Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar and stir it properly. Refrigerate it for an hour to get a thick and yummy pudding. You can also top this up with the fruits of your choice. 

5. Oats with flax seeds

This is a very popular breakfast option that will keep you energetic throughout the day. Start your day right with a comforting bowl of oats paired with flax seeds, a delicious and nourishing combination that fuels you up for the day ahead. It's a simple yet satisfying flax seeds recipe.



Take a sauce pan and add oats, water and flax seeds to the pan. Roast it for some time till the oats turn brown. Add jaggery/honey or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten your dish. 

6. Flax salad : 

You can add flax seeds to any sale of your choice to enhance the nutrition quotient of your salad. 

You can even sprinkle it over fruit platters. 


  • Veggies (spinach, kale, mixed lettuce, etc.)
  • Colourful vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, etc.)
  • Flax Seeds
  • For dressing- Olive oil, Lemon juice, Salt and pepper
  • Method

    Start by mixing together your favorite greens such as spinach, kale, or mixed lettuce in a large bowl. Then, add in a variety of colorful vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and carrots for added crunch and nutrition. Next, sprinkle ground flax seeds over the salad. For the dressing, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper until well combined. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss everything together until evenly coated.

    Flax Seeds vs. Chia Seeds: A Nutritional Comparison

    Both flax and chia seeds are popular superfoods known for their nutritional benefits, but they have distinct differences. Here's a comparison of their nutritional profiles to help you make an informed choice. Check out the flax seeds nutrition value in comparison to Chia seeds. 


    Flax Seeds

    Chia Seeds


    Omega-3 Content

    7.5 grams per 100 grams

    4.9 grams per 100 grams

    Flax seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which supports heart health and brain function.

    Fiber Content

    30.6 grams per 100 grams

    34.4 grams per 100 grams

    Chia seeds have slightly more fiber, which can help with digestion and satiety, supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

    Protein Content

    18.3 grams per 100 grams

    20.4 grams per 100 grams

    Chia seeds have a slightly higher protein content, making them a more substantial snack or addition to meals.

    Calcium Content

    1,242 milligrams per 100 grams

    1,044 milligrams per 100 grams

    Flax seeds contain more calcium, essential for bone health and muscle function.

    Vitamin E Content

    2.5 milligrams per 100 grams

    1.3 milligrams per 100 grams

    Flax seeds have higher levels of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant to protect against cell damage.

    Antioxidant Content



    Flax seeds have a higher antioxidant capacity, which helps protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.


    Both flax and chia seeds are nutrient-rich superfoods, but they differ in their nutritional profiles. Flax seeds are higher in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin E, making them a better choice for heart health and bone support. Chia seeds, on the other hand, have more fibre and protein, making them suitable for digestive health and satiety. 

    When choosing between the two, consider your specific needs: if you prioritise heart health and bone support, opt for flax seeds. For digestive health and a feeling of fullness, choose chia seeds. Both seeds can be incorporated into your diet, but consider the specific benefits you seek to maximise their nutritional value.

    Weight Loss Wonders: How Chia and Flax Seeds Help Shed Pounds

    Starting your weight loss journey often involves exploring natural and nutritious ways to support your goals. Discover the weight loss wonders of chia and flax seeds nutrition value, two powerhouse superfoods renowned for their ability to aid in shedding pounds effectively and healthily.

    Fiber for Satiety

    Chia and roasted flax seeds are rich in fibre, promoting feelings of fullness and aiding weight management by reducing overall calorie intake. The soluble fibre content in flax seeds may be more effective at controlling appetite, while chia seeds' ability to convert glucose into slow-release carbs enhances satiety.

    Nutrient Density

    Chia and flax seeds are packed with essential nutrients like protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, improving overall health while helping in weight management as well. These seeds offer a range of health benefits beyond weight loss, making them a must add to a balanced diet. Thus you can use chia seeds for weight loss daily in your diet. 

    Digestive Health 

    The high fibre content in chia and flax seeds supports digestive health, preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. Their insoluble fibre acts as a natural laxative, helping you maintain a healthy gut and facilitating efficient digestion, which is essential for weight management.

    Blood Sugar Regulation

    Chia and roasted flax seeds help stabilise blood sugar levels, which is crucial for weight management. Their slow-release carbohydrates and fibre content contribute to balanced blood glucose levels, reducing cravings and preventing spikes that can lead to overeating, thus supporting weight loss efforts.


    Chia and flax seeds are a powerful duo for weight loss, offering a wealth of nutritional benefits and health advantages. By incorporating these seeds into your diet, you can experience improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and enhanced satiety. 

    When selecting chia and flax seeds, choose organic options from reputable sources like I Say Organic to ensure you're getting the highest quality and purity. Our products do not contain any preservatives and artificial flavors so you can buy the highest quality ingredients for your kitchen with ease. 


    Q1: Can we have chia seeds and flax seeds daily? 

    These seeds are pretty safe for everyday consumption. However, you should try having them for a week to see if they suit you or not. You can even consult a dietician and figure out creative ways to include these seeds in your dietary regime. 

    Q2: Can you eat raw chia seed and flax seeds without soaking them? 

    You can eat these seeds in raw, grounded or soaked form. It really depends upon the recipe that you are trying to create with these ingredients.

    Q3: What are chia seeds and flax seeds called in Hindi?

    There is no Hindi or Indian name for chia seeds. Flax seeds are called alsi seeds. 

    Q4: Are chia seeds gluten-free?

    Yes, chia seeds are naturally gluten-free, making them suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

    Q5: Does drinking chia seeds in lemon water help in weight loss?

    Drinking chia seeds in lemon water can aid in weight loss by suppressing fat accumulation, improving insulin resistance, and reducing cholesterol levels. Chia seeds also help in digestion and satiety, leading to reduced hunger and increased weight loss. This combination can be an effective way to support weight loss efforts

    Q6: Is flaxseed good for skin?

    Flaxseed is beneficial for skin health due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibre. These nutrients help to reduce inflammation, and improve skin elasticity. Flaxseed for weight loss promotes healthy digestion, which can lead to clearer and healthier-looking skin. Additionally, flaxseed's antioxidant properties can help protect the skin from environmental stressors and damage.

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