Mindful Eating: Tips for Eating With Awareness & Intention

Imagine the scenario when you feel hungry. 

You rush to the kitchen, grab your favourite snack, and start eating. 

But, wait! Does that count for mindful eating? Let’s first understand what mindful eating is.

Mindful Eating is about paying close attention to what and how we eat. 

The practice of mindful eating involves using all our senses to appreciate the food, taking our time to interact with our food, and establishing a connection with our bodies.

 For instance, when we eat mindfully, we engage our senses through vivid colors, tempting aromas, delightful textures, and even the sound of our food while we chew it. This results in developing a greater appreciation for the food by taking time to savor every bite.

At I Say Organic, we believe in nourishing both the body and the soul with wholesome, organic food and healthy snacks that are tasty as well as nutritious. 

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of practicing mindfulness when eating or conscious eating, and the various mindful eating practices you can adopt in your daily life. 

Benefits Of Mindful Eating

Cultivating a healthy relationship with food has various benefits for our physical health and overall well-being. Below are some of the major benefits of mindful eating.

1. Improved Digestion

Conscious eating increases the likelihood of thoroughly chewing our meal, aiding in the breakdown of nutrients for better absorption. Also, improved digestion leads to a reduction in issues related to indigestion, gas, and bloating. 

2. Aids In Weight Management Journey 

When we practice mindfulness when eating, we tend to make more conscious food choices, related to what’s good for our health and what’s not. This in return supports us in our weight management journey by paying attention to what our bodies need, our hunger levels, and fullness cues.

3. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

When we opt for mindful eating, we are more likely to select foods high in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, like organic fruits and vegetables. By giving our food enough time to be properly chewed and digested by our body, we also increase our chances of absorbing the nutrients present in these organic produce.

4. Improved Emotional Well-Being

Our ability to connect with our body and the eating experience is enhanced when we use mindful eating practices. Mindful eating makes us feel more rooted and in control of ourselves, thus reducing stress and anxiety levels. As a result, we are more capable of handling our emotions in a better way when we are aware of our bodies' messages.

Master These Mindful Eating Practices At Home With Just A Few Simple Steps 

If you’re under the impression that mindful eating equals dieting, you can’t be more mistaken! Mindful eating practices are all about being conscious while you eat, not mindlessly bingeing on junk food or other food items that may satiate your taste buds in the moment but are not good for your long-term health. With a few simple steps, you can cultivate mindful eating practices in the comfort of your home. Let’s explore them: 

  • Start With Deep Breathing

Before you are mindful of the food, be mindful of the action you’re about to take. Deep breathing by taking a few slow breaths before meals helps to shift your focus away from distractions and allows you to fully engage with every bite of your meal.

  • Appreciate The Food On Your Plate

Fruits, vegetables, whole foods, beverages, and even snacks - many foods take hours of preparation, hard work, and dedication to reach your plate. So take a moment to pay gratitude to the person who has grown or made your food, and appreciate the food's colors, textures, and aromas while enjoying every bite. 

  • Add Fresh Fruits & Vegetables For A Satisfying Diet

When it comes to mindful eating, the importance of having fresh fruits and vegetables multiplies. Along with including fruits and veggies in your daily diet, another crucial aspect of mindful eating is the quality of items that you are including in your diet. For instance, consuming items that are grown using chemicals and pesticides might cause more harm than good. 

Hence, it's important to be mindful of what we are consuming. At I Say Organic, we bring you fruits and vegetables, seasonal produce, and whole foods that are grown by farmers who practice sustainable farming. We source fruits like Sweet Lime and Pomegranate from Maharashtra, millets like Bajra and Foxtail Millet from Uttarakhand, various spices from Kerala, etc.

  • Taste The Food With Delight & Joy 

We often pay little to no attention to the flavors dancing on our palate during meals, which is also a reason behind our tendency to overeat. When you slowly chew your food, you experience the subtle nuances of sweetness, bitterness, and saltiness. This signals your brain that you've had enough and stops you from overeating.

  • Eat Slowly Without Talking

In our busy routines, mealtime might be the only time your family connects after a long day, but it’s best to maintain silence at the dinner table or when the food is in your mouth. This helps you chew your food properly and allows you to focus on the sensation of eating.   

  • Put The Cutlery Down When The Food Is In Your Mouth

Instead of rushing to load up your fork for the next bite, pause and place your cutlery down while you chew. This simple act lets you tune into the act of chewing and allows you to relish the taste. Slow eating helps your body decide better how full you are. 


In a world where diet fads keep changing, practicing mindfulness when eating stands the test of time. However, to reap the maximum benefits of mindful eating, it’s important to be aware of what you are eating. To that end, I Say Organic brings you organic products that are grown by farmers practicing sustainable farming practices and are free from chemicals and pesticides. From our wide range of cooking essentials to nutrient-dense dry fruits and seeds, we bring you only the best products that fit your mindful eating journey. 

Think Organic, visit I Say Organic!


1. What are the two main benefits of mindful eating?

The two main benefits of mindful eating are improved emotional well-being and better weight management. 

2. Is conscious eating beneficial or not?

Conscious eating, also known as mindful eating, is highly beneficial as it helps one establish a healthy connection with food, one's body, and appetite. 

3. What is mindful eating in brief?

Mindful eating is the practice of being aware of the taste, texture, colors, and flavor of food with each bite. Chewing slowly and being attentive to hunger cues help one establish a more fulfilling relationship with food.

4. Is it necessary to practice mindfulness when eating?

The practice of mindfulness when eating has become necessary to help individuals be fully present and attentive to their food while eating, instead of treating meals as way to just satiate their taste buds. 

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