Our Store Turns 2!

When I started working for I Say Organic in 2013, never did I think that two years later I’ll be launching its first flagship store in...

#ISayFreshhhh – I Say Organic’s Fresh New Look is Here!

30+ people 200+ products 500+ days ∞ amounts of learning and fun! It’s been an adventurous journey - full of trial, error and...

Vibrant Summer Salad Recipes Highlighting Seasonal Vegetables

Summers are a great time to eat the rainbow, with vibrant summer salad recipes that provide all the required nutrients and health benefits. By incorporating these types of salads into your daily diet, you can reap the benefits of less bloating or stomach issues.  As the sun warms up and the days ...

9 Lunches That You Can Make In Less Than 15 Minutes

If you are a working professional, homemaker, or just a busy person, finding the time to prepare a healthy, satisfying lunch can be a challenge. With hectic schedules and limited breaks, it's tempting to resort to unhealthy fast food options or skip lunch altogether. However, spending just 15 min...

A Beginner's Guide To A Gluten-Free Diet

You must have heard about this whole gluten-free diet thing, right? Maybe your friend or a  family member is on it, or maybe you have read about celebrities swearing by it. But what’s the deal with a gluten-free diet? Come, let's explore!  From choosing gluten-free foods for health reasons to exp...

Mindful Eating: Tips for Eating With Awareness & Intention

Imagine the scenario when you feel hungry.  You rush to the kitchen, grab your favourite snack, and start eating.  But, wait! Does that count for mindful eating? Let’s first understand what mindful eating is. Mindful Eating is about paying close attention to what and how we eat.  The practice of ...

Top 7 Pre-Workout Foods To Fuel Your Body

Nowadays, when everyone takes working out at the gym very seriously, they often make the mistake of going to the gym with an empty stomach. It could be that they don’t want to eat or they believe that one should not eat before a workout. Well, it’s important to know that having a pre-workout meal...